228-unit senior community located in San Bruno, California
Senior living in a serene and secure setting. Intelligent financing makes everything possible.
The Village at the Crossing is a 228-unit senior apartment community reserved for residents 55 years of age and older. The property is located in the master-planned area called The Village at the Crossing in San Bruno, California approximately 15 miles south of San Francisco. KDF designed the project to meet the requirements of a Specific Plan that had been developed for the former Navy site by the City of San Bruno and the U.S. Navy. 100% of the units are affordable and restricted to tenants earning 30%, 50%, and 60% of the Area Median Income (“AMI”) or less.
Built in 2007 the Property is a four-story midrise built over one story of underground parking. This product type is expensive compared to traditional garden-style affordable housing developments. In order to finance the development, KDF used a complex layered financing structure with multiple financing sources. The Property was financed with tax-exempt bonds, 4% low-income housing tax credits, CDBG funds, HEART funds, and HOME funds.
The project was constructed using several green building methodologies including installation of a low-energy roof, energy-efficient lighting controls, double-paned low-E windows, and low or no-VOC paints. The community includes features appropriate to the senior population such as a beauty salon, fitness center, bbq grills, reading room, rec room with pool table, business center, and computer training facilities. The Service Plan developed for the community includes daily activities for tenants, computer classes, and referrals to community resources. The Service Plan is reviewed quarterly and modified based on the interests of the residents.
The Village at the Crossing won the “Best Senior Affordable” award at the 2007 Pacific Coast Builders Conference. The PCBC conducts design award competitions each year to recognize excellence in design on all types of single-family and multifamily construction. This was particularly rewarding to KDF as there was significant time and resources spent on this project to try to achieve both pleasing design and economic efficiency.